The United Methodist University in Monrovia and Ganta, Liberia was founded in 2000 and enrolls 2,000 full-time students in liberal and fine arts, theology, health sciences and education. More than half of the students choose to major in a business-related discipline like economics, management, accounting or public administration. Related to the Methodist Hospital and Nursing School in Ganta, as well as a Theology School in Gbarnga, the university has strategically positioned itself in offering distance education to West Africa and neighboring countries. Due to destruction from war, the Faculty of Theology library has partnered with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Board of Discipleship to develop a virtual library. There are many advantages: materials will be housed in virtual servers, thus being available anywhere; materials will be protected from war or other destructive forces; and students will have access to information more easily through e-books and e-readers which can be borrowed from the university. This will provide sustainable revenue for the project. Additionally, e-readers can function up to a month on batteries without the use of electricity. This makes it beneficial for those who need to study at night in areas without electricity. Give to the E-Reader Project
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Browse our latest projects taking place in Africa.
E-Reader Project
AfricaMany books were ruined or badly damaged during the civil war in the country. Now, thanks to a partnership between the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), the school now has 100 electronic books.
Africa Initiative
AfricaThrough these initiatives, we are using the latest technologies to build a network of communication channels, distance education centers, e-libraries, e-health education, leadership development tools, and fundraising opportunities for all people regardless of income and location.
Methodist University in Katanga Theological School in Mulungwishi
AfricaFounded in 1951, The Methodist University in Katanga and the Theological School in Mulungwishi have exceptional reputations in education.
Fiber Optics and Distance Learning
AfricaIn December 2012, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry started setting up a fiber optics infrastructure to provide the basic technical facilities for distance/online learning at the Methodist University of Cote d’Ivoire.
Distance Education Center, Liberia
AfricaFounded in 2000, the United Methodist University in Monrovia and Ganta, Liberia enrolls 2,000 full-time students in liberal and fine arts, theology, health sciences and education.
Support of Wembo-Nyama University
AfricaFounded in 1992, the Patrice Emery Lumumba University was heavily damaged by war. Currently, the university enrolls 500-600 students in the areas of theology, education, law, economics, social sciences, humanities and health sciences.
Distance Education Site in Kinshasa
AfricaThis project involves assessing and rehabilitating existing facilities to develop educational and communication structures.
Connect Agricultural Programs at KMU and AU
AfricaAfrica University has been very successful in operating a 200-acre teaching farm producing grains, vegetables, dairy and meat products for consumption and sales.
Development of Kamina Methodist University
AfricaThe North Katanga Episcopal Area Office plays a major role in providing primary, secondary, vocational and technical education in the region, overseeing and coordinating the entire United Methodist school system there.
United Methodist Distance Education and Communication Center
AfricaThree computer labs, each hosting 40 computer workstations, were established and wired for fiber optics in Cote d’Ivoire as part of the Africa Communication Network to provide distance and online learning opportunities
Communication Training for FM Radio Station
AfricaIn 2012, United Methodist Communications led a workshop to train communication professionals in writing, using social media, photography, video and more.
Internet Facilities for Kamina Methodist University
AfricaThrough partnerships with annual conferences in the U.S. and The Methodist Global Education Fund, a communications center was established at the Episcopal office in Kamina and connected with the agricultural center.
Africa Training and Learning Center
AfricaIn partnership with United Methodist Communications, Africa University and the Mozambique Annual Conference, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry built the first distance-education center in the country.
Fiber Optics Connectivity at UMECI
AfricaThe infrastructure provides the basic technical facilities for distance online learning, Internet connection and web and mail services for the entire university.
Network topology for the Kinshasa Episcopal Office
AfricaWith your support, we are able to purchase broadcasting equipment and offer training, so the radio station in the Kinshasa Episcopal Area can start broadcasting locally.
Africa Communication Network
AfricaDistance education is vital to Africa. With your continued help, we can maintain satellite campuses that connect the continent with Africa University. Your support enables students to take advantage of important distance learning opportunities by connecting them with other universities in Africa and the United States.
Distance Education
AfricaDistance education is vital to Africa. With your continued help, we can maintain satellite campuses that connect the continent with Africa University.
FM radio station in Luanda, Angola
AfricaDeveloped in partnership with United Methodist Communications, this FM radio station houses two studios – one for on-air operations and one for production. It was created in two steps: First, feasibility studies were conducted June 25-27, 2012 to assess the location and implementation possibilities. The annual conference had a large room located on the ground […]
Installation of computer labs and internet access at Africa University
AfricaThrough support from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, we connected Africa University with other United Methodist-related universities throughout the continent. Ensuring that all computer labs are compatible with each other ensures materials are exchanged with ease.
Radio Station at Universite Methodiste de Cote d’Ivoire (UMECI)
AfricaIn collaboration with United Methodist Communications and the Côte d’Ivoire Annual Conference, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry supported the implementation of a new communication and distance learning center in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Computer/internet facilities at Katanga Methodist University, Mulungwishi (DRC)
AfricaWith an exceptional reputation, technological advances at this university enable educators to develop courses which can also be offered on other campuses throughout Africa.
E-Reader project for Gbarnga School of Theology, Liberia
AfricaEnrolling 2,000 full-time students, The United Methodist University in Monrovia and Ganta, Liberia needs your help to provide e-books and e-readers for students to borrow. The use of e-readers safeguards priceless collections from war destruction and damage and can be read in dark places without electricity.