with your help...
we are developing leaders & supporting Methodist RELATED institutions all over the world.
BE A LEADER GIVE NOWWith our global presence...
We can support projects in different regions around the world. View the map of institutions related to the International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges, and Universities (IAMSCU).

With you in mind...
We offer many programs and initiatives
Technical Assistance
Through this program, Methodist-affiliated institutions request assistance in creating leadership programs to address the needs of local clergy or lay leaders. Your faithful support underwrites the cost of technical assistance for the leadership programs.
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Exchange Program
Studying abroad provides invaluable experience that takes learning outside of the classroom and into the real world. Through the Methodist Academic-Exchange Program, students have the ability to earn academic credit at their home school while studying at another institution across the globe. This unique advantage prepares students to become responsible leaders in this ever-changing world, making them aware of our common humanity as they discover the value of cultural diversity.
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Educational Scholarships
Through the Methodist Global Education Fund’s grants and scholarship program, students may apply for financial aid offered at Methodist-related institutions worldwide. Institutions can seek matching grants in order to increase student accessibility to quality education. With your help, we make a difference!
With your support...
We can continue to promote ongoing projects on global education. Browse our latest projects and learn more about each community.
GBHEM and GBOD renew and expand e-readers for theological education agreement
The renewed agreement extends the “E-Reader Project” and includes a partnership with the African Association of United Methodist-related Theological Institutions (AAUMTI) and its sixteen United Methodist theology schools in Africa. The new agreement also includes four theology schools in the Philippines. – See more at: http://www.gbhem.org/article/gbhem-and-gbod-renew-and-expand-e-readers-theological-education-agreement#sthash.WkomSWMo.dpuf
E-Reader Project
AfricaMany books were ruined or badly damaged during the civil war in the country. Now, thanks to a partnership between the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), the school now has 100 electronic books.
Africa Initiative
AfricaThrough these initiatives, we are using the latest technologies to build a network of communication channels, distance education centers, e-libraries, e-health education, leadership development tools, and fundraising opportunities for all people regardless of income and location.
Latin AmericaSlowly rebuilding after years of war, the Church is securing land and a facility for a Methodist center that will provide K-12 education. We need your help to make this a possibility.
Methodist University in Katanga Theological School in Mulungwishi
AfricaFounded in 1951, The Methodist University in Katanga and the Theological School in Mulungwishi have exceptional reputations in education.
AsiaIn Japan, The Methodist Global Education Fund for Leadership Development is providing technical assistance to Methodist-related universities to promote their involvement with the worldwide Methodist connection.
Fiber Optics and Distance Learning
AfricaIn December 2012, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry started setting up a fiber optics infrastructure to provide the basic technical facilities for distance/online learning at the Methodist University of Cote d’Ivoire.
Distance Education
Latin AmericaWe are providing support and technical assistance for a distance education project at the Methodist University in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Leadership Development Seminars
Latin AmericaThe Leadership Development Seminar program is a series aimed at providing training to church and educational leaders of Methodist-related institutions in Latin America.
With our global connections...
We make a difference in people's lives.
UMTV: Distance Learning in Africa
HIV/AIDS and frequent droughts and crop failures have made life there very difficult in Mozambique, but new technology is offering options to those who struggle to survive.
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IAMSCU Approves Student Exchange Pilot Program
A pilot student exchange program approved by the International Association of Methodist Schools, Colleges, and Universities will give students at member institutions a much wider variety of opportunities to study in a different country. – See more at: http://www.gbhem.org/article/iamscu-approves-student-exchange-pilot-program#sthash.oih95KwQ.dpuf
Pilot Project Provides E-Books for Gbarnga Theology Students
Professors and students at the Gbarnga School of Theology in Liberia spend time and money copying passages the students need for study because they don’t have enough books. But that could change once a pilot project using e-readers gets underway.