Africa Initiative


The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) initiated its global work in 1984 and its first large project was the “Africa Initiative,” which led to the creation of Africa University, which opened its doors in 1992. Since then, this initiative has been expanded with various other programs:

  • The Methodist Global Education Fund was launched in 2004 to continue this work, foster a connection among education institutions, promote leadership development around the world.
  • In 2008, GBHEM partnered with the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) and United Methodist Communications (UMCom) to promote promote both “” and “Theological Education.”
  • For 2012-2016, funds were allocated to the “Central Conference Theological Education Fund” (CCTE), which is providing scholarships, faculty support, libraries, and other forms of support for theological institutions in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Through these initiatives, we are using the latest technologies to build a network of communication channels, distance education centers, e-libraries, e-health education, leadership development tools, and fundraising opportunities for all people regardless of income and location.


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