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UMTV: Distance Learning in Africa
Feb 4, 2010HIV/AIDS and frequent droughts and crop failures have made life there very difficult in Mozambique, but new technology is offering options to those who struggle to survive.
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WNC BOM Gives E-Reader Project a Boost
Jul 11, 2014A check for $6,000 from the Western North Carolina Annual Conference Board of Ordained Ministry was presented to the e-reader project for theological schools in Africa, bringing the total collected for the project to $47,725.
Funding Sought to Expand Pilot E-Reader Project
Jul 11, 2014A pilot project to provide e-readers loaded with theological texts for a seminary in Liberia has proved so successful that additional funding is being sought to expand the project to other seminaries in Africa, including Africa University, Kamina Methodist University, Kabongo Methodist University, and several others.
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